Past Shows

Past Shows

Fall 2023 - Stage Kiss

Written by Sarah Ruhl, directed by Joel Mullennix

Art imitates Life. Life imitates Art. When two actors with a history are thrown together 作为20世纪30年代被遗忘的情节剧的浪漫主角,他们很快与现实失去了联系 as the lines between offstage and onstage begin to blur. A romatic comedy which breaks 第四堵墙,质疑我们谈论“性能”时的含义."

Spring 2023 - Emerging Works


Plays featured:
The Palm Reading, written and directed by Becca Swain
The Office, written by Gabriel Hernandez, directed by brand KENTA
Distant, written and directed by Ardeniel Galvez
Culture, Society and Gina, written by Suchitra Sharma, directed by Eric Escobedo

Spring 2023 - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Written by William Shakespeare, directed by Dov Hassan

受热门电视剧启发,改编自莎士比亚经典童话的黑暗现代版 show Stranger Things and the films of Tim Burton. 

Summer 2022 - Bay Bay Cafe

这是一部在夏季拍摄的情景喜剧,于2022年11月首播. Directed by Linda Amayo-Hassan.

Fall 2022 - Tartuffe


Tartuffe, 1664年首次上演的是法国剧作家莫里埃尔创作的戏剧喜剧. 塔尔图夫、埃尔米尔和奥贡的角色被认为是最伟大的经典人物 roles in theatre.

奥贡被他对虚伪的塔尔图夫的崇拜蒙蔽了双眼,把他带到了自己的家里 and arranges for his daughter, Mariane, to marry him. Various members of the household 试图干预并把塔图夫赶出去,导致了一些经典的喜剧 staging moments. Orgon is duped by Tartuffe's false piety, and this play deals with 宗教虚伪,在早期的演出中引起了巨大的争议, making this one of the most famous plays in theatre history.

Spring 2022 - The Motherf**ker with the Hat

Written by Stephen Adly Guirgis, Directed by Margo Hall

与上瘾、友谊、爱情的斗争,以及成年后的挑战 the center of the story. Jackie, a petty drug dealer, is just out of prison and trying to stay clean. 他还爱着他的青梅竹马, Veronica. Ralph D. is Jackie’s too-smooth, slightly slippery sponsor. He’s married 到痛苦和不满的维多利亚,谁,顺便说一句,有热的杰基. 然后是胡里奥,杰基的表弟,一个单口相声,“站在我这边”的人.

December 2021 - Emerging Works


Plays featured:
What We Don't See, written by Kat Ibay, directed by Dov Hassan
Magic Computer, written by Avantika Chitturi, directed by Consuelo Martinez
A "Prime" Christmas Carol, written and directed by Max O. Chang

Fall 2021 - Uncle Vanya

Adapted by Conor McPherson
Directed by Joel Mullennix

万尼亚叔叔整天在他姐夫的乡间庄园闲荡, Serebryakov, a retired professor. Vanya indulges in a romantic restlessness over Serebryakov's beautiful, young second wife, Yelena.  Trouble develops when Serebryakov announces 他计划卖掉地产,以便把利润用于投资,赚一大笔钱 himself and Yelena. 

Uncle Vanya 10月27日,他回到了第一阶段的舞台现场,并关闭了 to a sold out matinee performance November 7th. The closing matinee performance was also live-streamed.  

演员和工作人员:本杰明·迪茨,布兰登·维吉尔,切尔西·卡希尔斯·加劳拉,吉莉安·巴林吉特, 伊莎贝尔·布莱恩-马丁内斯,杰西·拉加斯卡,约瑟夫·哈内斯,凯瑟琳·伊贝,莉娜·阿拉姆, Leland Evans, Max O. Chang, Nana Owusu, Nikky Griffiths, Sauel Vegas, Shanna Prasad, Vanessa Cuellar, Victor Davila, Victor Gonzalez, Yesenia Villasenor

MADNESS: A Tale of the American Prison System
Directed by Dee Dee Stephens
Click here to watch the full recording of the show!

夏博学院提出了一个原创的社会问题的作品,指出了一个焦点 the mass incarceration issue in America. Sourced from remarkable first-hand accounts, 观察这个破碎的犯罪系统如何极大地改变了他们的生活,他们的家庭, and their community at large.

A recording premiered May 19th and closed May 30th 2021. 

主演:娜塔莎·查肯,凡妮莎·奎利亚尔,杰克·维特,达雷尔·艾林伯格,尼基·格里菲斯, JC Iglesias-Bernd, Alex Loder, Consuelo Martinez-Quezada, Daisjha Mcgee, Nana Owusu, Yolanda Vasquez

Get to know the cast and flip through the program by clicking here!

Spring 2021 - SHIFTS

Click here to watch a full recording of the show!

Shifts 是一部探索爱、奉献和梦想交集的家庭剧吗.  巴里不得不面对残酷的现实,因为他准备离开他的家去追求他的野心 as a future filmmaker.  He is also on the verge of an artistic breakthrough as he discovers some new angles to making movies. The play employs a chorus and an ensemble to set the scene with social context. Family members are impacted when their mother Rosie is injured on her job and can’t return to work for an unseen amount of time. The play takes place in the present so COVID is raging on.

Premiered live virtually March 24th and closed March 27th, 2021. 

主演:阿图罗·加里贝、周星驰、伊莎贝尔·布莱恩-马丁内斯、JC·伊格莱西亚斯-贝恩德、 杰罗姆·塔贾·塞缪尔·怀特,莉娜·阿拉姆,马克尔·刘易斯,尼基·格里菲斯,瑞恩·卡卢格丹, Yesenia Ruby Villasenor

Fall 2020 - Emerging Work 

Click here to watch a full recording of the show!

A live streamed event! 本系列由夏博学生自编自演,以四部原创作品为特色 2 bills, Bill A and Bill B. 

Click here to watch a full recording of the show!

这个项目是一个融合了戏剧的设计,并提出了一个问题,“它是什么样的? to be a student in 2020?” This production is written and recorded by students. The project is a streamed recording.

2020体验:学校版于11月27日首映,12月关闭 6th, 2020. 

主演:Alex Loder, Ben Dietz, Consuelo Martinez-Quezada, Darrell Ellingberg, JC Iglesias-Bernd, Quin Fields, Shiara Rivas, Vanessa Bonner, Vanessa Cuellar, Yesenia Ruby Villaseno

Click here to watch a full recording of the show!

In this 2012 Pulitzer Prize winning drama,  林-曼努埃尔·米兰达(Lin-Manuel Miranda)的《韦德1946网站》(In the Heights)一书的作者奎拉·阿莱格拉··阿·胡德斯介绍说 us to Elliot, a veteran of the Iraq war. As he struggles to find his place in the 世界上,我们也被介绍到一个试图获得成瘾聊天室的成员 through their day. When Elliot’s mother dies, cyber meets reality, anger gives way 去理解,去反抗,把自己的过去和彼此变成了机会 at forgiveness. In this heartfelt meditation on lives on the brink of redemption, 家庭和社区的界限跨越了大陆和网络空间, as birth families splinter, and online families collide.

“一勺水”于2019年10月31日在第一阶段开放,并关闭 ovation matinee November 10th, 2019.

Spring 2019 - IN THE HEIGHTS
Click here to watch a full recording of the show!

纽约华盛顿高地一个充满活力的社区的普遍故事 ——一个街角酒窖里的咖啡又淡又甜的地方,窗户 是否总是敞开的和风携带着三代人的音乐节奏. It’s 一个处于变革边缘,充满希望、梦想和压力的社区 最大的困难可能是决定你要带哪些传统,哪些传统 you leave behind. 《韦德1946》获得了2008年托尼奖最佳音乐剧奖, Best Score, Best Choreography and Best Orchestrations.

夏博剧院于2019年4月11日开幕,并于4月关闭 20th, 2019.

Fall 2018 - ¡CHEER!
Click here to watch a full recording of the show!

在2018年秋季的第一阶段,我们展示了一部由戏剧艺术学院撰写的新剧 Linda Amayo-Hassan titled ¡CHEER! Story of a Dreamer.

¡CHEER! 在这些当下,人性化地描述了在我国的无证经历 times. 故事围绕住在海沃德的拉丁裔高中生艾丽卡展开, who discovers she is undocumented while applying for college. Beginning in the Obama 多年来,一直持续到今天,我们当前围绕移民的政治/社会斗争 issues are the center of the play. Starting on a light note, capturing the fun and 在学校里成为一个受欢迎的孩子很容易,有一群喧闹的拉拉队长服务 作为一种希腊合唱,故事很快变得严肃起来,因为艾丽卡发现了 truth about her and her family’s status.